Global PMI Partners, in conjunction with Saïd Business School and Sterling Technology, is conducting our 2023 Annual M&A Success Survey and welcomes your input and insights as a participant.

You will be asked a series of questions about your most recent M&A experience to explore the pre- and post-deal execution factors influencing success and value creation. The results will be of benefit to both deal makers and practitioners.

The survey should take 15 minutes to complete. You do not need to complete it in one session as you can save and return to finish at a suitable time. If you would like a copy of the survey results, please provide us with your e-mail address.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, your time and feedback are important to us.

– Global PMI Partners

About the survey:

The Annual M&A Success Survey is driven by a desire to capture existing practices in industry and related results, and to develop new ideas, methods and tools that increase the success of acquisitions and carve-outs.

Survey results will benefit both dealmakers and practitioners in understanding factors contributing to M&A Integration or Carve-out implementation success.

Survey goals:

→ Understand trends in integration and carve-out areas of M&A

→ Understand what successful acquirers do pre-deal that benefits post-deal implementation

→ Develop take-aways for real world application

Who should take this survey?

C-level executives, senior M&A professionals and private equity dealmakers involved in M&A deals, transactions, carve-outs and M&A integrations.

What will survey takers get?

Survey takers will get a report with insights from and analysis of the survey results ahead of a wider release.