M&A: Buying is fun, merging is …?
By GPMIP Partner, Michael Holm
The Deal Team to Operational Team Chasm
Join a number of other executives in our upcoming training in Stockholm in November 20-21, 2017. In every merger or acquisition, we at Global PMI Partners are struck by how leaders transition from sourcing and winning deals to leading day to day integrated business. Most often there is a chasm when the majority of a deal team moves on and operational executives take over to do double work — executing existing day to day business while at the same time, with less than ideal guidance, integrating the new business. It is also a mental journey buying into the rationale for those not part of the deal team. Key questions such as avoiding loss of revenues, and to the contrary developing a roadmap to accelerate revenue generation from the combined strength, retaining key talent while at the same time preparing the organization for cost savings are questions executives are faced with. Experienced companies ensure one or more executives from the deal team, including the deal champions, remain in place longer term to ensure successful transition to operations and to tie deal drivers to integration priorities.
New Executive education
November 20th-21st in Stockholm, recognized experts on M&A integration (also called post merger integration) will kick off a new kind of intensive M&A integration training, focused on senior leaders that need to bridge the deal team / operational team chasm. The benefit of the such a bridge is focusing the leadership and employees to capture the deal value as early as possible. In a mastermind setting that combines sharing information and key concepts with group work through the use of case studies and a wealth of war stories from our experience, learning becomes intuitive and retention effortless. You will leave enriched with practical solutions to key M&A integration challenges that you can swipe and deploy in your organizations.
Click here to find out more about this training entitled M&A Integration Planning Essentials for Executives.
This event blends thought leading training with workshop engagement. The course is intentionally kept to a boardroom size for maximum engagement. Attend and invite others that can benefit!
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